
Weekdays in Makkah

Travelling to Makkah during the week?

Steps from the Masjid al-Haram, Raffles Makkah Palace is perfectly located for business people, couples and families visiting the Holy City. This weekday offer is specially designed with families in mind. Enjoy connecting rooms with a relaxed in-suite check-in service, special treats for kids, a 30% saving on spa treatments and the luxury of a late check-out so you can make the most of your stay.
Terms & Conditions
This offer is subject to availability at the time of booking, and blackout dates may apply. It is subject to prevailing taxes and service charges. The offer is not valid in conjunction with any other promotion. Terms and conditions are subject to change without prior notice.
  • Luxurious accommodation in your choice of beautiful suite – please ask about connecting suites when booking
  • Early check-in to make the most of your stay (subject to availability)
  • In-suite check-in service
  • Special treats for kids
  • Afternoon Tea experience from 90 SAR
  • Buffet dinner at Al Qasr Restaurant
  • 30% saving on spa treatments
  • Complimentary wi-fi
  • 24-hour Raffles Butler Service
  • Late check-out (subject to availability)
Terms & Conditions
This offer is subject to availability at the time of booking, and blackout dates may apply. It is subject to prevailing taxes and service charges. The offer is not valid in conjunction with any other promotion. Terms and conditions are subject to change without prior notice.