Le Royal Monceau Raffles, Paris


Le Bar Long


在这个温馨的空间中,您可以自由交谈、阅读并享用由主厨 Norihisa Semboshi 基于传统巴黎法式菜肴创新的诱人早餐。Le Bar Long 还供应美味小食和创新鸡尾酒,以及糕点厨师 Yazid Ichemrahen 烹制的知名专属甜点。Philippe Starck 的设计打破传统酒吧布局,让宾客与调酒师不再面对面隔着吧台。取而代之的是沐浴在灯光下的狭长高桌。每周四晚,客人可相约酒吧,欣赏现场音乐。

Le Royal Monceau Raffles, Paris

前来 Le Bar Long 庆祝法式感恩节

Le Bar Long 酒吧近期经过重新设计,氛围雅致温馨,将为您呈现由主厨 Norihisa Semboshi 精心策划的感恩节特别菜单,更有侍酒师总监 Gabriele Del Carlo 倾情精选的葡萄酒。


  • 生薄扇贝切片冷盘、卷心菜沙拉和松露
  • 朗德省优质黄鸡、蔬菜杂烩、肉汁和松露
  • 主厨 Yazid Ichemrahen 烹制的素食法式苹果挞

2024 年 11 月 28 日晚间,餐厅可按需提供此份欢庆菜单。

价格:每人 150 欧元

  • 每日 上午 8:00 至凌晨 12:00
  • 周末 上午 10:00 至凌晨 12:00
  • 每日 上午 8:00 至上午 11:00
  • 每日 上午 11:00 至晚上 11:00
  • 每周四 下午 6:30 至晚上 10:00
  • 法定节假日 上午 10:00 至凌晨 12:00
Our restaurant is accessible to PRMs.


Le Royal Monceau Raffles Paris (a5d5)

Norihisa Sembochi

Norihisa Semboshi 是 La Cuisine、Le Bar Long、客房服务和宴会的行政主厨。来自日本的他曾在巴黎蓝带厨艺学校接受过培训。之后,他不断精进厨艺,先后任职于巴黎的其他知名酒店:巴黎丽兹酒店、布里斯托尔酒店和乔治五世四季酒店。他也曾在日内瓦四季酒店工作。2017 年,Norihisa 赴韩国执掌法国美食餐厅 Milieu,并成为豪华济州海比奇酒店及度假村的行政副主厨。他因此获得广阔的视野和丰富的灵感,从而为食客创造全方面的用餐体验。他有什么秘诀呢? 那就是“细致、味道与展现”。


Yazid Ichemrahen &
Alexandre Favre

Yazid Ichemrahen's path as a pastry chef began at the age of 3 and has never deviated from its original course. For the future chef, pastry-making is an escape from a difficult everyday life that lacks perspective, affection and recognition. Throughout his career, he has crossed paths with inspiring personalities and father figures. His mentors include Pascal Caffet, MOF and World Pastry Champion, who discovered and trained him; Angelo Musa, with whom Yazid Ichemrahen worked as a commis at the Pâtisserie des Rêves; and Joël Robuchon, whom he joined at the Métropole in Monaco.
As he gained experience, Yazid honed his technique and improved his skills, encouraging him to set himself a new goal, which he achieved with flying colours: at the age of 22, he won the world championship for frozen desserts. This made him the youngest world champion in all confectionery competitions combined. 

Hand in hand with Alexandre Favre, Executive Pastry Chef and rising star of the French pastry scene, Yazid Ichemrahen works on the sweet menu of the most Parisian of palaces.

The two men share the same passion and a set of values: respect for raw materials and putting people first.