Embracing inclusion and equity for a better tomorrow

The RiiSE program is part of the company's wider commitment to sustainability, social responsibility and ethical business practices. By promoting diversity and inclusion, the company aims to create a more innovative, productive and fulfilling workplace for all employees helping build a more equitable and sustainable community.

At Raffles and Fairmont Makati, we promote gender diversity and equality across all levels of the organization. The Hotel has implemented several initiatives to support men, women, persons with disabilities, and members of the LGBTQA community including the underprivileged members of the society. The Hotel embraces them equally in the workplace to become part of the productive workforce.

With the thrust to integrate diversity in the organization, Raffles and Fairmont Makati has implemented innovative programs and activities that will recognize different interest groups in the organization, namely;

a.     RiiSE: Breaking Boundaries! Exploring the Vibrant World at Raffles and Fairmont Makati
b.     Raffles and Fairmont Makati brings hope to the world through:
                                     i.          Fundraising to restore the joy for Operation Smile Philippines
                                    ii.          Dynamic DuoDay at Raffles and Fairmont Makati
                                  iii.          A Journey to the Margaretha Home for the Blind
                                  iv.          Make-A-Wish comes to life in Raffles andFairmont Makati

c.     Recognizing Women Empowerment and their vital roles in the society


Amidst the challenges brought about by the recent global pandemic coupled with the efforts to ramp up the business, Raffles and Fairmont Makati maintained its commitment to embrace and celebrate diversity, inclusion and equity.  Each of the activities mentioned above had volunteers who made time out of their working hours to raise funds and awareness to make the event meaningful and impactful.

October 21, 2022, marks the fourth anniversary of RiiSE, Accor's international network for diversity and combating stereotypes. This event highlights the elimination of any form of discrimination and empowers employees to reveal their potential and inspire others.

The Raffles and Fairmont Makati team, headed by the RiiSE Committee, prepared an exciting activity named "Jazz Up Your Uniform." The event showcased the uniforms of each department in the Hotel modelled by their respective representatives creatively and sustainably. The uniform designs were not only sustainable but also conveyed a message of respect, camaraderie, and teamwork and celebrated the strength and talent of women.

The leaders and “models” gave their very best to make the finest props and costumes and even explained the recycled materials used in a highly competitive manner. The activity featured elegance, confidence and a message of empowerment. Describing the event, men were always behind women not because they were outnumbered, but to demonstrate support for all the women in the hotel. To highlight the celebration of diversity and inclusivity, the Hotel lit up the employee hallways with colourful LED lights the entire month celebrating RiiSE.

“Shop for a Cause” - your pre-loved items matter in bringing back the smile for others. A fundraising activity organized to bring back the smile and happiness of Children with Cleft Lip and Palate.  Raffles and Fairmont Makati invited all employees to share and donate their pre-loved items “for sale” through this fundraising event.  The initiative raised PHP 100,430.00 which benefited eight (8) children for their surgery and treatment.

On the 2nd of December 2022, Raffles and Fairmont Makati celebrated the "World DuoDay," also known as "National Day of Persons with Disabilities". It is an initiative aimed to promote equal opportunities and inclusion for people with disabilities in the workforce, by offering them the chance to shadow a professional employee for a day. The Hotel Executive Committee was in charge of the full-day event.  The Hotel invited young adults with special needs as “participant guests” from the Virlanie Foundation to experience working in the hotel environment without fear of discrimination or harassment. The event featured a “participant guest” paired with a Leader who demonstrated and assisted them in their daily tasks. The “participant guest” learned about the intricacies of working in the hospitality industry, fostering an environment of inclusivity and understanding.

On the 20th of December 2022, Raffles and Fairmont Makati launched an initiative to support the Margaretha Home for the Blind Foundation. The Hotel led by the Executive Committee organized an outreach program for the visually impaired girls under the foundation's care. An eventful day filled with joy as the Executive Committee hosted games, served sumptuous food, gave special “plushies”(stuffed toys) to each of the girls and sang the Christmas carols with the group. It was heartwarming to see the joyous expressions on the faces of everyone in the room. The girls conveyed their appreciation by showcasing their wonderful talents, playing musical instruments and singing Christmas carols. Hearing such angelic voices left the participants teary-eyed. It goes to show that despite facing physical disadvantages, the girls' perseverance and belief in humanity did not fade away.

True to the promise of turning moments into memories, Raffles and Fairmont Makati embraced the Make-A-Wish Program. The Hotel selected two (2) grand wishes to fulfil from the list provided by the Make-A-Wish Foundation: one for John Paul and the other for Carla.

On November 10, 2022, John Paul's wish was granted. Despite being diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, he remained cheerful and lively. He dreamed of becoming an Engineer inspired by his uncle who is an auto mechanic. Raffles and Fairmont Makati through its Engineering team, organized an amazing experience to make his dream a reality and see what it is like to be an Engineer at the hotel for a day.

Also, Carla's (aged 21) wish was granted on November 28, 2022. She has a great passion for life and is actively involved in church activities inspired by her father who is a “Pastor”. She was diagnosed with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension / Down Syndrome and her wish was to have a Debut celebration with her family and friends featuring her favorite food Lechon - a dish served during important gatherings. Make-A-Wish Foundation and Raffles and Fairmont Makati organized a magical debut celebration at the hotel which she enjoyed immeasurably.

Raffles and Fairmont Hotel Makati celebrated International Women's Day and made it unique. Instead of just a day celebration, the hotel prepared a week-long line-up of exciting activities for female employees.

The week started with a morning yoga session, followed by a Webinar Dialogue: Gender Equality in the workplace on March 7. And on March 8 – an interactive workshop to rediscover elements to optimize wellness. Both were organized by Accor and actively participated in by Raffles and Fairmont Makati employees.

Likewise, the empowered women of Raffles and Fairmont Makati joined a Self-defense Class, headed by a female coach from the Philippine National Taekwondo team sending the message that women are capable of defending themselves.

On March 9, female employees were treated to a relaxing massage, leaving them feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Capping off the celebration, the Hotel organized a special “Appreciation Afternoon Snack” on March 10. During the event, women leaders shared their experiences – a message from different life statuses - single, breadwinner, a new mother and a mother of five. The group discovered how the women leaders in the Hotel strive to succeed and how they manage to balance their work, family and social life without forgetting to take care of themselves too.

Throughout the week, they had a moment to breathe, meditate, relax, feel strong, respected and most importantly, valued. 


These events were a reflection of the Company’s Employee Value Proposition - "Be ALL You Are" which promotes a culture of inclusion, regardless of gender, race and background and "Work With Purpose" which aims to connect people and make positive changes in the world.

The spirit of volunteerism of every employee who participated in the events was evident from the planning stage, execution and even post activities. It has immensely impacted the organization’s culture and the lives of those who have participated. It has improved the spirit of camaraderie, teamwork, communication, competitiveness, sharing, caring and celebrating successes amidst constant challenges. It has uplifted the spirit of everyone coming from the gloomy effects of the pandemic.


The Make-A-Wish Program has generated positive responses. Carla's parents were speechless and overwhelmed by emotions. Despite belonging to the marginalized sector of society, they were able to see the positive side of the world. Hence, the father’s message "Carla, you are a gift from the Lord and your family loves you most. We have been here for you from the very beginning until the very end. This magical event made by Fairmont Makati will forever be cherished. They have fulfilled what we cannot provide. They brought hope to everyone, joy and happiness to those who cannot afford it. Attending this event is life-changing. We have learned to appreciate kindness and willingness to extend a helping hand. We thank Fairmont Makati for everything.”

Likewise, JP's father whole-heartedly thanked Raffles and Fairmont Makati for making JP's wish happen. Hence, his message "From the beginning of your battle, your mother and I never left your side. We travelled weekly for 6 hours by boat and 3 hours by land just to get you to the hospital for the past three (3) years. I never got tired of offering my own blood just to extend your life, my son. I cannot thank enough Fairmont Makati for this experience. No amount of money can buy our happiness to see you fulfil your dreams of becoming an Engineer. Only Fairmont Makati made it possible."

Both JP and Carla thanked Raffles and Fairmont Makati for making their dreams come to reality that they will cherish while they live. The very short time for them to live in this world and the gifts shared by the Hotel will leave memories that will last a lifetime. 


Fairmont Makati believes that promoting diversity, embracing inclusion and empowering women not only promotes gender equality but also strengthens the organization as a whole. These celebrations remind us that our employees are strong, empowered, capable of doing any task and can excel in their chosen careers as long as they strive and put their hearts into it. The events were positive steps promoting diversity, inclusion and equality in the workplace. Such initiatives are essential to creating a welcoming and supportive work environment for all employees regardless of their unique needs and backgrounds. Fairmont Makati is committed to cultivating an inclusive environment where employees participate in creating a positive impact on the lives of those whose wishes were fulfilled, as well as on the wider community demonstrates its dedication to its mission and vision, as long as it is practised and lived every day in the hearts of its employees.

The RiiSE program and broader commitment to promoting gender diversity and equality are crucial steps in creating a more inclusive and equitable hospitality world. By empowering women and leaders, the Hotel is driving innovation and creating new opportunities for growth and success within the organization. These programs espouse fair treatment, accept differences and empower each other fostering a culture of inclusion and respect.

Lastly, these acts of kindness brought back smiles and hope for the children from Operation Smile Philippines, Virlanie Foundation and Margaretha Home for the Blind as we try to integrate them into the Hotel and the community as active members. This is Fairmont Makati’s commitment to achieving a kind and sustainable world.